They say that a picture's worth a thousand words. I say that it emblems eternal happiness.
Entah macamana, tatkala sedang mem'browse' beberapa laman menarik, tangan secara tak sengaja terklik link ini.
Warning: the pictures that you are about to view have no correlation whatsoever with the blogger, nor any other of her 2nd parties.
Saje-saje tengok. Out of own curiosity. Serious tau.
[please view at your own risk.]

Satu shot yang sangat unique and best. Nak jugak!!hehehe~

Haa macamnila cara ciuman dahi yang saye nak. Sang Putera meletakkan tangan di kepala sambil menarik dengan penuh kasih sayang. Takmo tarik bahu or tak pegang pape. Cium MESTI/WAJIB kena dahi. Tak kisahla tudung kemik ke tak. Takmo macam sesetangah orang yang cium langsung tak kena dahi. Kalau saye..saye suruh repeat balik tau!! :P :P
Another one of the 100 reasons to get myself a DSLR. Or, better yet, ask a friend who's good enough to jiggle with it. Ade sesape nak volunteer kan diri kee?
Serious ni tau. Kekeke..~

Saye dan atique yang sengal. Hikhikhik~
ps: saye memang sangat suke bergambar =)
salam...kawan sharah shukor jugak ke? dpt link thru dia ek? salam dari odessa :)
wahai sarah shazwani dat ll b on de same level as sarah shukor in de nick of time..
tak sabar2 nak dapat ciuman dahi yer..ish ish..
i've told u to get married memain..heishh...
susah2, let atique kiss u on ur forehead :P...
jgn buat aksi les~* sudeaahhhh
wasalam...erm lbeh dpt link bkn dpd die..x igt mne..huhu
hamoiiii ske2 ati jer ckp cenggitu. haah saper yg xmo kawen ekeke. doakan tau.ngehe
sarah nk menekankan yg gamba2 tuh sgt lawa~~ :P
sarah gatal *wink*wink
sahabatkuu!!!huhu.haah kte gatal suke garu sana-sini hehe.manaderlaa..kte suke gmba2 tu lawa :P :P
hoho... meh kite garukan..
hamoiii nak kne nie :P :P
sarah gatal tahap cipan dah..bak kate oghang utagha...gatai meghelai
eleh..macam pakcik izu x jaa~~gatai meghelai thp cipan :P
you're dying to get married aren't you?
no i'm not. seriously. m not.
{grinning wiiiide)
Let's take that up a notch -
Sarah gataaaaaaaaaaal......
(sorry, couldn't help it haha)
tanak ngaku.tanak ngaku
(couldn't help that either :D)
Hehe.. Insya Allah nnt akan sampai masanye utk giliran Sarah pulak =)
insyaAllah...ameeeennnn!hehehe :)
HUhuhuh... ko x wat link ke blog aku... ni nak marah ni.. huh
eh haah lupeeee..hukhuk sori2..nnt aku tmbh ek..jgn ghiso..ngeh2
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