The date was 16-28 January 2008.
The route was Simferopol-Kyiv-Rome-Venice-Barcelona-Basel-Zurich-Meilen-Lucern.
For more spectacular pictures, do peek in at my flickr
Gambar kat blog saye upload sket saje. Sudah letihlaa mengupload gambarrr di flickr hukhuk~
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
Schiphol Amsterdam Airport

Touristic Bus

One word to describe them all: Subhanallah..
And so, the best honeymoon spot goes to..
sebab die ade banyak makanan murah2, halal dan senang dicariiiii.....
hikhikhik :P
I thought you were supposed to be busy with exams???
Tak aciiiiii............
exams are already oveerrrrrr~~~~
i am so jealous......grrrrrr...
jealous? need not be laaa..cuti2 malaysia is always there..segalanya ada di malaysia..hehe :P
HUhuhuhu... jelesnya aku tgk ko ronda2 kat europe tuh... huhuhuh.. bila la aku dpt chance gitu ek... x mahal ke???
bestnye tgk sarah dpt tour europe...dah ada peluang berjalan, jalan puas2..hehe..bila balik msia? anyway take care!
erm kalau dh nme tour europe tu snanye mmg mhl kne pndai2la safe bajet sumer..
insyaAllah,rezeki Allah ade kt mane2,ade jlnnye... :)
makcik zarifah
alhmdulillah sronok..hehe..insyaAllah sarah balik mid june..makcik pun take care too!!! :)
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