They say that a picture's worth a thousand words. I say that it emblems eternal happiness.
Entah macamana, tatkala sedang mem'browse' beberapa laman menarik, tangan secara tak sengaja terklik link ini.
Warning: the pictures that you are about to view have no correlation whatsoever with the blogger, nor any other of her 2nd parties.
Saje-saje tengok. Out of own curiosity. Serious tau.
[please view at your own risk.]

Satu shot yang sangat unique and best. Nak jugak!!hehehe~

Haa macamnila cara ciuman dahi yang saye nak. Sang Putera meletakkan tangan di kepala sambil menarik dengan penuh kasih sayang. Takmo tarik bahu or tak pegang pape. Cium MESTI/WAJIB kena dahi. Tak kisahla tudung kemik ke tak. Takmo macam sesetangah orang yang cium langsung tak kena dahi. Kalau saye..saye suruh repeat balik tau!! :P :P
Another one of the 100 reasons to get myself a DSLR. Or, better yet, ask a friend who's good enough to jiggle with it. Ade sesape nak volunteer kan diri kee?
Serious ni tau. Kekeke..~

Saye dan atique yang sengal. Hikhikhik~
ps: saye memang sangat suke bergambar =)