Time paces away fast. Little do we realize that the Holy month of Ramadhan has neared its end. Terdetik di hati, cukupkah amal bekalan akhirat kita sepanjang bulan ini? Solat tarawikh..qiamullail pencarian malam LailatulQadr, puasa, zakat, sedekah..tepuk dada, tanya iman. Mudah-mudahan amalan kita diterima Allah.
Alike the yesteryears, after 29 days of fasting (unlike 30 in Malaysia-that explains why our Eid starts a day earlier :P) there will be takbir, Solat Raya, open houses..and the grand celebration. And for the 4th time in a row, i'll be celebrating raya abroad, far from home.
Not that i'm not used to it. Kalau dulu tatkala 1st year menangis teresak-esak, sekarang dah boleh tersenyum, gelak ketawa beramai-ramai. Ya lah, di overseas ni, kawan-kawanlah yang jadi 'keluarga' kita. Think positive.
However, for this upcoming raya, I do feel a bit..gloomy. Don't know what is bothering, but the feeling keeps on nudging deep within. Rasa sedih nak tinggalkan Ramadhan kali ini. Hanya doa mampu saya panjatkan, mudah-mudahan ini bukan Ramadhan terakhir buat saya.
And the raya feeling..it just - hasn't emerged. Regardless of all the hassles on 'ape warne baju kurung awak' and 'ape dish open house korang?', I still don't sense any trigger of excitedness.
Perhaps, just perhaps..i'm missing home that much? Huhu..~
Kawan-kawan, let us pray that the next Ramadhan would be ours. InsyaAllah. Ameen..
Juadah berbuka 'potluck' di bilik tira. Menu: mee bandung, puding roti, macaroni bakar, apple flan, cucur pisang, roti jala, air bandung (ade yg tiade dlm gmbr. yelah, tukang masaknye dtg lmbt :P)
"And the raya feeling..it just - hasn't emerged."
Welcome to adulthood Sarah! Still, do try to enjoy your remaining Rayas without having to give duit raya :P
That potluck look scrumptious!
Sorry...I meant "looks". Ms Anisah certainly would not approve of that spelling error.
Woweeee. Sedap-sedap. My tummy grumbled (literally) after looking at those deliiiicious food.
I think I got that same no-feeling-of-hari-raya bug too. I guess it speads specifically to those coming of age, huh? =)
Ngengenge. Trying reeally hard to make believe that raya is coming soon!!
well - of course it is.
And, perhaps if Miss Anisah is reading this, she would be too contented to even mind your minor grammar mistake =)
The age factor? Yup..do think it counts. I mean it's not like we could beg for some bucks anymore :P
Wait till i here you guys dipping ketupat and lemang in rendang. I bet my salivary glands would be hyperfunctioning way high. Ngengenge~~
selamat berhari raya aidilfitri.. maaf zahir dan batin :)
selamat hari raye aidfitri juge..maap zahir batin~
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..
Maaf Zahir & batin..:)
nie pakwe kak diana kan?
eid mubarak too
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