Life, is like a dice. Toss it, and the amount of dots that face upwards, determine your next steps. Some people even recite du'as before the throw; others, couldn't care less.
In the snakes and ladders of life, at times, you may consider yourself pacing towards the apex. But what you do not know, is that climbing hastily may make you trip, and you'd fall back to square one.
At times like this, you'd just wish that your life was filmed on screen, so that you could click the rewind button anytime desired. Except that, if it does, wouldn't be called life then. It's called cheating. And cheating is never good.
Tonight would be my last at home for 2007's summer holidays. Packing back is never good - it's like you're packing altogether those gloomy feelings that you wish were never there in the first place. And it's at this moment when you'd be wishing that the holidays are about to begin, but the truth is, two months of vacation has slipped by in a wink.
The hardest part is, mode transition - from 'wiggling-your-feet' mode to stay-ups and coffees. Hope it'd be easier this time.
Despite the poignant and miserable thoughts, I do feel that this summer break, has, in a way, sparkled some glitters in my textbook of life. Some may say that 21 is the key to freedom. Literally, it may do so, but I define freedom as in the ability to control your own wits.
It's at this age, when the family bond suddenly gets tighter. When conflicts and dilemmas, dice your own thoughts. When you start pondering - are my deeds, enough for the Hereafter?
It's when you have a jigsaw puzzle, depicting your future - but there are still those missing spots, in pursuit.
In the snakes and ladders of life, at times, you may consider yourself pacing towards the apex. But what you do not know, is that climbing hastily may make you trip, and you'd fall back to square one.
At times like this, you'd just wish that your life was filmed on screen, so that you could click the rewind button anytime desired. Except that, if it does, wouldn't be called life then. It's called cheating. And cheating is never good.
Tonight would be my last at home for 2007's summer holidays. Packing back is never good - it's like you're packing altogether those gloomy feelings that you wish were never there in the first place. And it's at this moment when you'd be wishing that the holidays are about to begin, but the truth is, two months of vacation has slipped by in a wink.
The hardest part is, mode transition - from 'wiggling-your-feet' mode to stay-ups and coffees. Hope it'd be easier this time.
Despite the poignant and miserable thoughts, I do feel that this summer break, has, in a way, sparkled some glitters in my textbook of life. Some may say that 21 is the key to freedom. Literally, it may do so, but I define freedom as in the ability to control your own wits.
It's at this age, when the family bond suddenly gets tighter. When conflicts and dilemmas, dice your own thoughts. When you start pondering - are my deeds, enough for the Hereafter?
It's when you have a jigsaw puzzle, depicting your future - but there are still those missing spots, in pursuit.
And yes, up to now, I am still searching for those missing spots.
Ariff's first performance on stage. He represented his ABIM School for the nasheed competition. Despite the loss, he succeeded in controlling his stage-fright.
In the upcoming pictures, you may see little of my second sister Hani. Well, she's got the A-level finals to sit for. Goodluck, girl!
My first elective postings at Hospital Serdang. Agak jakon bila terjumpa disposable tudung surgery yang tak ada di Ukraine.

Makteh will be furthering her studies in Notts, and the whole lot would be tagging along. Balik kampung untuk attend kenduri depa lah nie.

I spotted my little cousins playing 'mak-mak', and couldn't restrain myself from taking these snaps. Reminded me of the good old days.

My cousins. Again. Siapa suruh comel sangat? Kan kak Sarah dah amik gambar lagi. Hehe.
Erm..these aren't my cousins. You may identify the likeliness of our looks. Haha. We had a trip to JB and Singapore, and blasted some fun at Sentosa Island.

Vivo City.

The Merlion.


After 19 years, I have eventually touched the grounds of Kelantan. How couldn't I, it was my best friend's wedding (Fana and Kimi). I did drop a tear during the akad nikah ceremony. How..sentimental.

My Kelantan Smapian friends reunited - from left, May (erm, okay, exclude her from the Smapian list), Mumtaz, Me, Aten and Salma. Salma lent me her room for two nights, and also chauffeured my out-and-abouts. Her roomate, Shud, and classmates - Put and Ema, were a sport. They even made me hitch along to do some barbecuing and waterfall-showering!!Seronoknye~~~
Lata Hujan Waterfalls, Tanah Merah, Kelantan.

Last week, dad treated us to some place 'yang mana korang akan rase lain sikit suasananye. Abah nak bagi korang makan somewhere where the atmosphere is more unique'. Turned out it was this gigantic, Islamic, Kurma Royal Restaurant in Sri Petaling. The view inside was deadly marvellous (so were the prices). We spotted lots of chinese families dining here, despite two more gigantic chinese restaurants that sat opposite the road.
Erm...okay, tukar topic sekejap. Hehe. I found this pengantin dress at one of the shops at Jalan TAR. Black, is so awesome, but...pernah ke ade perempuan Melayu kahwin pakai baju warne hitam? Hmm..
After the dine, dad took us sightseeing the lights of KL at night. Splendid. You don't see this in Ukraine, people.
A few nights after Merdeka's Eve, we spectated the dazzling Fireworks Competition at Putrajaya. Somehow, a few of them reminded me of..microbiology.
My home at night. Countdowning the days for the next summer holidays to come...cepatlaa!!Huhu.
ps: Pictures (not all) courtesy of my SE p990i camera. Never thought they'd look this good. Ngehehe~~
pps: After previewing, I think some missing spots have been unearthed.
ppps ( is there so..?) : Aisha, I nak dedicate...slamat jadik matangg!!!Ngehehe...just kidding. Will do a better post dedicated specifically for you in the future..arasso..? *wink*wink*
A few nights after Merdeka's Eve, we spectated the dazzling Fireworks Competition at Putrajaya. Somehow, a few of them reminded me of..microbiology.
Spot on!!! Ngehehehe. =P
All the best for the coming new semester. May we become goood Muslim doctors in the future, insyaAllah. Take care.
Ps: Semalam msg sarah, igt tak balik lg, plan nk ajak keluar or hantar. Huhu. Itulah, lain kali balik senyap2 lagi ye! :P :P
You mean these were taken using a camera phone? Impressive, impressive.
Hey, I can see some familiar faces! And congratulations on reaching Kelantan. Hope you're not scared to come for another visit :)
So you've turned 21 eyh? Well, just so you know, I haven't. At least not mentally hahah. It's good to be young LOL
salam sarah,
the disposable tudung pic --> is that maddie? hehe. i recognize those 2 eyes :)
fana wedding --> u did drop ur tears? waa..sentimentalnye.. wat would it be if its ur wedding *wondering* will u cry, dear? hehe
singapore trip --> jealous. i hvnt been to the oceanarium yet. jealous..jealous.
black wedding dress --> macho nye warna hitam n terqois. serius lawa.
kl sightseeing --> there's no such view in ukraine but plenty all over moscow here. n the fact is, i dont like it. i like kampung calmness n quietness :) akk ni budak kampung. hehe
ramadhan kareem. selamat berpuasa to sarah n frens there. kirim salam pd fana. insya allah dia ingt lg kt akk kot. oh actly, akk penah jumpa husband dia wkt husband dia teman iqbal (CSMU also) during registration for the sympo in KB. wat a small world.
take care~
*from sarah to sarah with loves*
omg sarah.u went to sri petaling.that is so near to time g sane drop by my place eh.oww...nie dayah mizan.heheh.
afie: Ya Rabbi..yeke? I only got ur msg after the landing. Huhu..sorry..i did intend to contact you, but was dreadfully busy packing and all..but insyaAllah umur panjang we meet again..arasso? Besides it so seems i might be doing my postings at Serdang again next year. N u have my ukrainian number, rite?sms2 lah selalu~ :) was a phone camera all along *grinning wide*. i wouldn't say no for a 2nd visit to Kelantan; it really is a wonderful place. and, erm, well, literally, i have - i mean did turn 21 7 mths ago, but mentally my state may be just as yours. hehe
kak sarah:alaikumsalam..yes akak, you got it right, that is maddie beside me in the pic..hehe. She did her postings at Serdang too. Banyak saye dengar cerita psl akak..dari sympolah, sunathonlah..almaklumlah, Aishah roommate and classmate saye. Kecik betul dunie nie kan :) Ukraine kalau di Kyiv agak maju, mcm KL, tp kami di Simferopol agak 'ulu' sedikit..suburban area. Ala-ala kglah manelah nak same dgn kg kat Msia :)
Dayah: dayah..waaa surprised to see you here!!hehe..well, yep, we did..actually my place from Sri Petaling isn't that far..just like 20 minutes drive, but we don't go there that often. But, hey, a visit to IMU would be nice!!looking forward for one in the future, eyh :)
wow kak sarah you remember my eyes. haha. i'm flattered.
love that pic sarah. i have it on my friendster as well :)
yeke?ngehehe. i wouldn't have displayed if for nothin, aite? =)
ppps ( is there so..?) : Aisha, I nak dedicate...slamat jadik matangg!!!Ngehehe...just kidding. Will do a better post dedicated specifically for you in the future..arasso..? *wink*wink*
..that wasnt me was it?
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