First and foremost, I would like to wish all muslimeen wal muslimaat out there a very happy and blessed Ramadhan. May this month be a good platform for us to better ourselves in search of Jannah. A very Happy 51st Merdeka too to all Malaysians, staying local and abroad...and last but never the least, a very big Happy Birthday to my fiance who will be turning 23 this 1st September =) (ceeewah dah bole panggil fiance :P hehehe) a year older, a year wiser, and a year nearer for us to graduate (*wink*wink*) and may you learn lotsa stuff, be it academically-based, house chore-related (erkk) ilmu akhirat and vice-versa this coming year..ganbatte!!
For the coming four semesters I have pondered upon a new way of studying. The goal isn't just to ace with 5's, but also to learn the Malaysian other words, to read more International and Malaysian Medical books, apart from the Russian's (because some of them differ by an inch..but an inch in medicine is THAT crucial). As quoted by the local doctors.. "Awk nie nanti nak kerja kat sini kan? Jadi kenala belajar cara sini!". Huhuhu.
At long last, after 4 painstakingly kinda-long years, I had the opportunity to perform my solat tarawih at home..can you believe that?!! The feelings were a mix of words can describe them best!! Till I nearly felt like bringing along my camera with me and taking pictures of all the if I do they'd think I'm a weirdo. Haha.
Past a few days back, I was tuning into Flyfm and overheard a poll on 'The Most Powerful Man-made Invention over the last century'. Lots of feedbacks were given, and a listener called and named the 'camera' as the so-called paraphernalia.
Coincidentally, dad just bought a 3-in-1 printer-scanner-photocopying machine, and after mum did some spring-cleaning, she discovered lots of photo albums, some having photos that dated since dad was nine!! Apparently a number of them got ruined, perhaps because of the humid air. So, dad said that the coming school holiday's homework was to scan the whole lot!! Hohoho.
Well oh well..after some scavenging and rummaging, look what I've found!! Jeng-jeng-jeng!! The good old days revealed... ^__^
First and foremost, I would like to wish all muslimeen wal muslimaat out there a very happy and blessed Ramadhan. May this month be a good platform for us to better ourselves in search of Jannah. A very Happy 51st Merdeka too to all Malaysians, staying local and abroad...and last but never the least, a very big Happy Birthday to my fiance who will be turning 23 this 1st September =) (ceeewah dah bole panggil fiance :P hehehe) a year older, a year wiser, and a year nearer for us to graduate (*wink*wink*) and may you learn lotsa stuff, be it academically-based, house chore-related (erkk) ilmu akhirat and vice-versa this coming year..ganbatte!!
For the coming four semesters I have pondered upon a new way of studying. The goal isn't just to ace with 5's, but also to learn the Malaysian other words, to read more International and Malaysian Medical books, apart from the Russian's (because some of them differ by an inch..but an inch in medicine is THAT crucial). As quoted by the local doctors.. "Awk nie nanti nak kerja kat sini kan? Jadi kenala belajar cara sini!". Huhuhu.
At long last, after 4 painstakingly kinda-long years, I had the opportunity to perform my solat tarawih at home..can you believe that?!! The feelings were a mix of words can describe them best!! Till I nearly felt like bringing along my camera with me and taking pictures of all the if I do they'd think I'm a weirdo. Haha.
Past a few days back, I was tuning into Flyfm and overheard a poll on 'The Most Powerful Man-made Invention over the last century'. Lots of feedbacks were given, and a listener called and named the 'camera' as the so-called paraphernalia.
Coincidentally, dad just bought a 3-in-1 printer-scanner-photocopying machine, and after mum did some spring-cleaning, she discovered lots of photo albums, some having photos that dated since dad was nine!! Apparently a number of them got ruined, perhaps because of the humid air. So, dad said that the coming school holiday's homework was to scan the whole lot!! Hohoho.
Well oh well..after some scavenging and rummaging, look what I've found!! Jeng-jeng-jeng!! The good old days revealed... ^__^
Me when I was merely one @ Notts
learning to crawl
mari belajar solat~
beraya di perantauan
was I yawning..?or what?
Posing with my lunchbox in front of Park Place Primary School (see, told you I had the talent nurtured within :P)
Posing with my lunchbox in front of Park Place Primary School (see, told you I had the talent nurtured within :P)
My Home-made birthday cake that mama baked!! (the cream-spread was a wee bit messy..but thumbs up for mama who made the delicious cake all by herself =))
Notice that I'm wearing a badge written 'Happy Birthday' is a custom for us school kids to do so so that at school everyone would be greeting us with Happy Birthdays at the top of their voices..hahaha