Salaamun alaik...
Finally, after what may seem like a month, I have eased my fingertips to do some keyboard-tapping, squeezing out those bluntless thoughts eager to pop out into text format. Things have been pretty busy nowadays. For starters, I have just enrolled myself for practical training at Serdang Hospital yesterday, and will be performing the matter for the upcoming 3 weeks. Due to a vast number of students, we will shift departments every week; Nephrology, Orthopaedics and Emergency Department, accordingly. Alhamdulillah, for the first day, everything went smooth sailing. It so seems that our doctor (me and my 3 fellow colleague-mates) is the Head of Nephrology Department; he taught us much about communication skills, on how to explain about a disease to a patient. Failure of communicating and influencing patients effectively is a major cause why the public nowadays at some point revert to "bomohs' '' he says. When you are treating someone, assume that you are selling a product. You must convince your consumers to purchase them. If you fail to do so, people may lost confidence in you. Hence, you may end up being that 'not-so-good' doctor you wish you never were. Nauzubillah. Tomorrow we'd be rounding the wards, checking up cases at the HDU (Hemodialysis Unit), and the following days would be spent at the transplantation unit, clinic etc.
Of course, the headline above has nothing, no correlation whatsoever to do with the practicals, hospitals and roundings. Neither do the pictures below.
Finally, after what may seem like a month, I have eased my fingertips to do some keyboard-tapping, squeezing out those bluntless thoughts eager to pop out into text format. Things have been pretty busy nowadays. For starters, I have just enrolled myself for practical training at Serdang Hospital yesterday, and will be performing the matter for the upcoming 3 weeks. Due to a vast number of students, we will shift departments every week; Nephrology, Orthopaedics and Emergency Department, accordingly. Alhamdulillah, for the first day, everything went smooth sailing. It so seems that our doctor (me and my 3 fellow colleague-mates) is the Head of Nephrology Department; he taught us much about communication skills, on how to explain about a disease to a patient. Failure of communicating and influencing patients effectively is a major cause why the public nowadays at some point revert to "bomohs' '' he says. When you are treating someone, assume that you are selling a product. You must convince your consumers to purchase them. If you fail to do so, people may lost confidence in you. Hence, you may end up being that 'not-so-good' doctor you wish you never were. Nauzubillah. Tomorrow we'd be rounding the wards, checking up cases at the HDU (Hemodialysis Unit), and the following days would be spent at the transplantation unit, clinic etc.
Of course, the headline above has nothing, no correlation whatsoever to do with the practicals, hospitals and roundings. Neither do the pictures below.
Last sunday, I tagged along my mum to send my 3rd sister, Amira back to her school, SBP Integrasi Gombak (they champed the National PPM SBP BM Debate Tournament. A big congrats to all INTEGOMBS...hohoho). The route was just the same route; same signboards, tolls and all. The traffic was indeed heavy, for most cars showed sorrow faces of students that gave the 'i-don't-wanna-start-school-please-gimme-some-more-holidays' looks, with big dumpels aside. Little did I realize, that something big (well, not THAT big; just the little-going-to-medium big) was about to happen.
We had a chat. Me and my mum. A rather long one. Big. And important. I was all open at that moment. We talked about private stuff; friends, relationships, clashes, career...and, the future. At that instant, I never knew I would spill out nearly EVERYTHING to my mum. Well, yes, of course I do tell her some wee bit details of my ins and outs, my ongoings, my circle of friends and all, but I never knew it would go way deep. Once, years back, I remember reading through a sentence in a motivational book ( or was it one of those lines from Ustazah Bahiyah's talk? terlupa pula) stating that there would be a period in a girl's life when her mum will be her bestfriend, and they'd share nearly all secrets together. Sounds more of like Gilmore Girls, I think.
For the first time, in my whole life, I have finally felt myself able to think maturely. Act maturely. In other terms, the sentence goes "I feel mature". Wow. Blame me not, for in the past, when it goes to secrets deep down under, private stuff and all, I'd feel embarrassed, shy to reveal the whole lot. As if a big barrier, a huge wall, a virtual door is locked; limiting my inner senses to convince myself to express everything out.
"Kita kan dah besar..kenapa awak nak malu-malu lagi cakap pasal benda ni..?"one once said.
(Should I clap my hands for this? teehee~~)
Congratulations to myself. =)
The pictures below were taken in Istanbul. Had been stranded for two days over there, due to the sudden ticket date forwarding that we did. Tapi takpelah, stranded pun dapat berjalan dengan seronoknya, kan kan :)

Grand Bazar (we got an initially-priced YTL 120 sejadah, for YTL 10 at one of the shops here)

(Should I clap my hands for this? teehee~~)
Congratulations to myself. =)
The pictures below were taken in Istanbul. Had been stranded for two days over there, due to the sudden ticket date forwarding that we did. Tapi takpelah, stranded pun dapat berjalan dengan seronoknya, kan kan :)

The Sea that divided Istanbul into its Europe and Asian side.

Hagia Sophia

Grand Bazar (we got an initially-priced YTL 120 sejadah, for YTL 10 at one of the shops here)

Blue Mosque from inside

Blue Mosque/Sultan Ahmad Mosque (outside)
Route to the sea
Balek Lama/Fish salad..anyone?

View of 'I-don't-know-what' building from the ferry

Some of these men kept saying "Do you want to take my picture?" Tergelak. Kelakar, macam mencapub.

Yellow, expensive cabs, like in New York.

View of 'I-don't-know-what' building from the ferry

Yellow, expensive cabs, like in New York.

Nak Istanbul lagi boleh..? =)