A fortnight ago, i caught glimpse of a huge poster being glued at the board of the hostel. It read in capital letters (as you may see) International Conference of Medical Students. Having read the details, I was notified that the event was to take place on the 2nd till 5th of May, at Warsaw Medical University, Poland. The application fees for active participants costed 220 USD, that includes transportation, accommodation, a certificate and refreshments for three days.
I really, badly want to join.
We (me and my always-ever conference partner - Athirah) do have a topic in mind. Viagra vs Tongkat Ali - A Comparative Study. It could also be a credit for our Pharmacology exam. However, we have a problem. And it does seem big.
To do so, we need the vital materials..and everyone knows that you can never find Tongkat Ali in such Western countries such as Ukraine (already asked Mr. Polevik..even the scientific name Longifolia Jack did not provoke him any sense of familiarness). Initially Athirah had a friend in Malaysia that could be of help, hence her lecturer did researches on the subject, however, on 2nd calling, matters arose that turned down the answer to a no.
The due date for submitting abstracts is on the 9th of April. We just have to start fast.
Upon stating that, I would like to ask help from everyone reading this post..does anyone have any ideas of any interesting topics related to Pathophysiology or Pharmacology that might me of help? Please..pretty please..do chip in some suggestions or thoughts, be it via my chatterbox or through commenting. It would be grateful to receive such views.
A fortnight ago, i caught glimpse of a huge poster being glued at the board of the hostel. It read in capital letters (as you may see) International Conference of Medical Students. Having read the details, I was notified that the event was to take place on the 2nd till 5th of May, at Warsaw Medical University, Poland. The application fees for active participants costed 220 USD, that includes transportation, accommodation, a certificate and refreshments for three days.
I really, badly want to join.
We (me and my always-ever conference partner - Athirah) do have a topic in mind. Viagra vs Tongkat Ali - A Comparative Study. It could also be a credit for our Pharmacology exam. However, we have a problem. And it does seem big.
To do so, we need the vital materials..and everyone knows that you can never find Tongkat Ali in such Western countries such as Ukraine (already asked Mr. Polevik..even the scientific name Longifolia Jack did not provoke him any sense of familiarness). Initially Athirah had a friend in Malaysia that could be of help, hence her lecturer did researches on the subject, however, on 2nd calling, matters arose that turned down the answer to a no.
The due date for submitting abstracts is on the 9th of April. We just have to start fast.
Upon stating that, I would like to ask help from everyone reading this post..does anyone have any ideas of any interesting topics related to Pathophysiology or Pharmacology that might me of help? Please..pretty please..do chip in some suggestions or thoughts, be it via my chatterbox or through commenting. It would be grateful to receive such views.
oh dear, are you serious about viagra v tongkat ali topic? i've seen tongkat ali sold on ebay. Now don't you go thinking i purchased that thing, I just happened to stumble on that page one day.
But tongkat ali has several subtypes which have their own acclaimed benefits. I'm not so sure but thats what I heard. I'm sorry can't help you with the topic, but best of luck!! =)
Try asking a real doctor!
By the way, I haven't gone into Pharmaco or Patho yet, so I dare not open my mouth. But all the best to you!
mama sarah
i guess you'd prefer kacip fatimah than tongkat ali eh?hehe :) Well, we did change our mind..thought of revealing the effective antitumor effect of curcumin/turmeric in curry.
But we were lack of time..and had to change our status as passive applicants. Still, we're not that down..InsyaAllah there's always next year to come..
yes, tongkat ali does have its own subtypes, but we haven't dove deep down under to reveal all. Perhaps one day you could blog about it? Thanks for the wish :)
Thanks for the wishes..and even if you do not dare poke your nose into matters yet within your range of studies, i'd still be happy to listen to them all :)
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