1) Do you think you’re hot?
In some ways. Hehe.
2) Upload favourite pictures of yourself.
3) Why do you like these pictures?

Eh alamak ni bukan gambar sayelaa!! Hehehe. But I'd love to have a picture like this in the future (bertudungla of course) *wink*wink*
4) When was the last time you ate pizza?
Ermm a month back I think. But my roommate will be baking one this eve insyaAllah. Yippee!!
5) The last song you listened to?
Zamilooni - Native Deen (the one playing when you read my blog).
6) What are you doing right now besides this?
I've got piles of ONG notes and books that need reading infront of me. Haha.
7) What name would you prefer besides yours?
Mohd Ismail Hamzah? Ooopsss :P :P ..okay okay, that would be 'beside' mine, not 'besides', hehe. I like the name Marsha Qistina though. Thought it'd be a nice name for a kid. But then I found out that Liza Hanim named her daughter the same name too *__* tiru oranggg
8) Who are the next people you will tag?
9) Who is number 1?
My 4th sis who's a photo-edit geek and a blog-o-maniac.
10) Say something about number 2
My ex-g3nx-Smapk-mate, currently studying medicine in USIM. He blogs good I tell you (Jamil you should thank me for promoting your blog haha :P).
11) Introduce number 3
He blogs most about family issues, relationships and religious matters. Already has his own family :)
12) How about number 4?
Tatau sebab tatau. Hehe.
Guess I'm done. Need to face the books again!! My exam is on 8th Jan insyaAllah. Do pray that we'd pass with flying colors :)
ps: It's Awal Muharam today, and Gaza is again, burning. Don't forget to pray for the safety of our Palestinian brother and sisters...
akak. yg tagged tuh nisa da buat kot =.='
hehe tau tau. akak pon prasan :P
Thanks for the free publicity! Barack Obama read that bit about me and now, he's a regular on my blog :P
Good luck for your exam. Give it your best okay?
sarah, how's notts?
eheh, harap2 sihat selalu di sana, doakan kami yang baru nak berlepas ni, yer!
anyway, you are again tagged by me!
Please consider to answer this tag, eh... tq~
safe journey, there!!
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