Goodness, sorry people! Apologies for the verryyy BIG _______________________ gap. So much has been happening past the three months, and frankly speaking things have been rather hectic! Busy bee has indeed bitten the best out of me hoho. To cut things short, I have just arrived from home after a month's vacation due to the H1N1 quarantine imposed upon Ukraine which had all public authorities and educational institutions closed for three weeks. And now we're back on track!
Most readers (eceh macam banyak je) insisted upon a new post. Some even thought that this blog has found its D-day! Haha mane bole God Willing I want my kids to see the river that I have been cruising all along. Well as the Malay saying goes; tak menang tanganla! But insyaAllah the author will try to put up her utmost effort to fill in this verryyy BIG gap _____________ once the New Year Hols begin.
Most readers (eceh macam banyak je) insisted upon a new post. Some even thought that this blog has found its D-day! Haha mane bole God Willing I want my kids to see the river that I have been cruising all along. Well as the Malay saying goes; tak menang tanganla! But insyaAllah the author will try to put up her utmost effort to fill in this verryyy BIG gap _____________ once the New Year Hols begin.
A sneak peek at what has been going around:

Till then, toodles! ;)