Rest assured, I am and will still be blogging. Proof that it ain't a lie? Preview of the next entries (narrated alike Grey's Anatomy "previously on Grey's Anatomy.." :P)

Will be sitting for 5 'catastrophic' papers. Doakan saya berjaya ye!!
"Allahumma najjihnaa fii kulli imtihan fiddin fiddunya walaakhirah".
Just a quickie:
# Selamat Hari Ibu and Happy birthday to Mama. Alhamdulillah-lah kad dan gambar akak hantar semua selamat sampai. Takut juge akak insiden lama berulang kembali *kenyit mata*
-30/4/07 & 13/5/07
# Happy Aniversary Abah and Mama. Nampaknye abah merantau sakan 2 bulan nie. A quarter of the globe marked? I badly do want to tag along..huhu~
# Dear Teacher Husna and Teacher Zuraidah..Happy Teachers day! Both of you are and will forever be the best teachers the world has yet to acknowledge (i know that sounds hyperbolic..but it's true :>). Teacher Husna..can't wait to see the little fella in your tummy!! InsyaAllah. Jage your perut baik2..dah 3rd trimester nie.
-16/5/07-30/4/07 & 13/5/07
# Happy Aniversary Abah and Mama. Nampaknye abah merantau sakan 2 bulan nie. A quarter of the globe marked? I badly do want to tag along..huhu~
# Dear Teacher Husna and Teacher Zuraidah..Happy Teachers day! Both of you are and will forever be the best teachers the world has yet to acknowledge (i know that sounds hyperbolic..but it's true :>). Teacher Husna..can't wait to see the little fella in your tummy!! InsyaAllah. Jage your perut baik2..dah 3rd trimester nie.
ps: to Puan Mama Sarah, Afie, Hiyoshi and Kak keep on blogging. Your entries make study-pauses worth a Kit Kat's break (need i elaborate more on that..?)
buat span-bob: stay-uplaaa!!! lepas subuh baru boleh tido :P kekeke
buat span-bob: stay-uplaaa!!! lepas subuh baru boleh tido :P kekeke